Well, today was my first night during this new challenge where I didn’t go to bed when Becky did. We’re sort of in a fight as of last night and today: we talked a little about our intimate life and there was some misunderstanding. She took what I said the wrong way and I didn’t explain myself very well I guess.
Then, today, after church, she had meetings and asked me to get the mashed potatoes ready. I agreed as I was part sleeping, then, forgot. When she got home I had fallen asleep again and she was fully ticked off. I told her I honestly forgot and tried to do whatever I could to make it up to her but, with the combination of things, she was mad.
We tried to talk it over a bit tonight but I opted to not say too much because I didn’t really agree with her stand on our intimate life. It’s fine, it’s great, but I feel it’s generally a one sided, I’m in control, I take the lead, I ask the questions, I do what’s good for her, type deal.
Anyway, church was good. We talked about the sabbath day and keeping unspotted from worldy things. I really like what Elder Oaks talks about in going to Church not as a passive listener but as an active participant.
Well, it’s late (12:37 p.m.). I’ve been chatting off and on with Kaly G. about a possible social media consulting opp. in Idaho. We’ll see what happens with that.
Good night!
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