We had one of the best meetings tonight: the Spirit seemed to be really strong and everyone who shared gave insights that were helpful.
I feel like it’s such a blessing to work with all the guys in the group. It’s fun to see the same faces and a few new ones each week. I’m amazed at how much things are growing. When I started at BYU we had about 20 or so people at the meeting; when I went last week to BYU there were over 40 people there at least (we split in to 3 groups).
Springville had between 10-15 when I started. We’re now getting a consistent 20 people, I think there were about 25 there tonight.
Now to finalize Step 8:
Consider the troubled relationships in your life. In what ways might they change as you reach out to other people with love and kindness?
The main “troubled relationship” I’ve felt lately is with one of my co-workers. I feel we’re both making notable efforts to be kind to one another, to seek first to understand, THEN to be understood. We’ll see how tomorrow goes, as I’m anticipating more changes that may not be good but we’ll see.
Other “troubled relationships”, I don’t really consider Mom to be a troubled relationship, but as I’ve been thinking about this step, I decided to call her this evening after our meeting just to say hello and tell her I loved her. We talked about how Grandma is doing – some days good, some days pretty ornery. I really love Mom and am grateful for her intentions to really help others and do what’s right.
I feel my relationship with the kids has improved as of late too. I’m trying really hard to maintain a semi-gentle voice without letting them get away with murder. Playing with them outside has been really fun too.
My relationship with Becky has been really great too. One of the guys at group tonight said this, “If you are always trying to give in a marriage without expecting anything in return, you’ll be happier than you’ve ever been.” I really believe that. To me, that’s what Christ always did – give without expecting anything in return.
I feel as I reach out to others (not necessarily just the people I’ve mentioned) and show kindness and love to them, it will and has changed my attitude overall, thus leading to better relationships across the board. I’ve noticed and Becky and I have talked about who I associate with, especially at work, can have an influence on my attitude overall. When I have been around certain people, I’ve tried hard to be really positive and share insights from a different point of view. I hope it’s helped all of us some.
Things I’m grateful for
- That Bryan was at the meeting tonight and shared a great experience about his Grandfather on the Islands
- That tomorrow is Friday 🙂
- That I really felt the power of the Atonement tonight at the meeting
- That I was able to speak with Raul tonight on the phone and decide that Monday’s at 8:30 p.m. MDT we’ll talk on the phone, chat will always be open, and we’ll work hard to have consistent email interaction
- That I was able to speak with Sterling after the meeting today and feel what he’s going through – mostly anger with himself (which is one of my core issues too: I stay up late, regret it, and then my gurd is let down the next day or I’m frustrated and do my will instead of remembering God and the Savior)
- That Becky and I had a great talk tonight about Mom and her visit this last week
Hasta Manana!
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