Today is a great day: I’m starting Step 9 in the Addiction Recovery Program!
I had a good meeting with Jason this morning. We talked about the experience I had with my answer and work and all that. The day went pretty good at work until the end: I met with Dane and HR again to discuss the agreement and details.
The part that was hard for me to feel 100% right about was the fact that they want me to completely disable MM, shut it down. I told them that would be like asking me to throw away a journal of 4.5 years worth of experience. I don’t see how it can even be looked at as competition either.
Anyway, I disabled a few things, made a very basic home page, and hope it will be enough.
I do feel like my relationship with Dane has improved.
Influencing others for good
“The Spirit of the Lord doth say unto me: Command thy children to do good, lest they lead away the hearts of many people to destruction; therefore I command you, my son, in the fear of God, that ye refrain from your iniquities;
“That ye turn to the Lord with all your mind, might, and strength; that ye lead away the hearts of no more to do wickedly; but rather return unto them, and acknowledge your faults and that wrong which ye have done” (Alma 39:12–13).
Some of the greatest harm we have done to others is by influencing them to develop addictions them- selves. Write about the people in your life whom you have influenced in this way.
I’m not sure if there have been specific people that I have influenced to develop addictions themselves. The only person I can think of off the top of my head it my cousin Pat. I may have influenced Susie H., Jamie B., Cassie G., Amy, and Heather in some way too.
As I think about these situations, I look forward to making amends, letting them know that I am sorry for how I treated them, and making it an opportunity to possibly introduce them to the addiction recovery program (if I feel it’s the right time).
Jason and I talked about creating a basic plan on contacting people on a daily basis, or at least making a plan early to begin contacting people.
My goal, starting tomorrow, will be to review my Inventory and begin making a list of the people I plan to contact, how I will contact them, and when.
The more I can map out how I feel things should go, the more I can then turn to Heavenly Father, make sure I’m doing HIS will, and that I’m following the Spirit.
One other thing that came to mind today regarding work was the fact that I may need to be even more honest about some of the 3rd party vendor details. I just want to be very clear what I have and haven’t done so there is no remorse or guilt on my part.
I will pray about this tonight to see what the best approach should be.
Things I’m Grateful For
- That I still have a job
- That I’ve been able to be honest in my dealings
- That I started mapping out how things are going to go with my businesses moving forward
- That I’m headed to bed now before midnight
- That I was able to meet with Jason tonight
- That I have started Step 9
Hasta Manana!
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