Well, today is my first day of self-employment, yesterday was my last official day at PR. I resigned and walked away at around 11:45 a.m. It was bitter-sweet: I’ll miss lots of the friends I made there; I’ll never look back though.
I’ve learned so much about what to do and what not to do in business.
Here are some of the things I WILL do:
- put my employees FIRST
- put my clients NEXT
- put my own interests AFTER THOSE
- state very, very clearly what “competition” means to an employee
- under promise, over deliver
- be very, very clear in what the overall objective is for the company with everyone involved
- reward employees for intrapreneurial ideas in the form of more PTO, birthday off, events, etc.
- get a 3rd party to evaluate what I’m doing from time to time
- despise the “yes man” approach to business
- read books as a team and then IMPLEMENT what we’ve read, even if it’s small things
- blog about what I’m doing
Those are the ones I can think of right now.
I’m going to do a re-read of Step 9 to refresh my memory on the concepts:
…step 9 would once more test our willingness to humble ourselves and seek the help and grace of the Lord.
It is very important that you are not impulsive or careless as you attempt to make amends. It is equally important that you do not procrastinate making amends. Pray for the Lord’s guidance and consult with a trusted adviser for help to avoid these pitfalls.
Apologizing for some actions can be particularly challenging. For example, you may have to address matters that could have legal repercussions, such as dishonesty or serious sexual sin. You may be tempted to overreact or to make excuses and avoid making amends. You should prayerfully seek ecclesiastical or professional counsel before taking any action in these very serious cases.
I feel these are some good answers to some of my questions I’ve had lately.
Some things I just need to be patient with and begin making amends when the time is right.
How does your willingness to make amends increase when you realize that you are also preparing to meet God?
To me, this is what making amends is all about – I’m “cleaning my slate”, making sure I’m at peace with others, with myself, and with God. Just like the scripture says, “This life is the time to prepare to meet God…”
I’m a bit scared of some of the consequences if I really dig deep and find things I’ve done that at the time may not even have seemed bad, but now, as I look back, I realize clearly that they were. Bringing up past transgressions can be tough to deal with.
I feel strongly that fasting, prayer, and pondering will be an important part of my plan to make amends.
Jason and I met today and it went really well. It’s so nice to have a friend like him who identifies with what I’m going through and who has been there too. We talked about the plan of attack – how I’ll complete Step 9.
The plan is to finish the questions (I have 8 left). Next Tuesday we’ll discuss the How-To of getting the step done (ie. making the list, reviewing the list, mapping out how I’m going to approach each person, when, etc.)
I had a great talk with Dad last night too and let him know what’s been happening. He was very understanding and seemed to be proud of me for following the right processes to get things done. My biggest question and evaluation is upon myself – I want to make sure I’m being completely honest with myself and others in all that I do.
I also met with Josh C. today to discuss business, being self-employed, etc. He ask me a lot of direct questions, which I really liked. He definitely gained my respect today, where as before I didn’t really know what he did at all. He seems to be very focused, driven, and knows where he wants to go. I hope to build that business relationship and work together on things.
Things I’m Grateful For
- That I chose to work on this stuff FIRST when I got home
- That I was able to meet with Jason today
- That I was able to meet with Josh today
- That I got lots of answers about insurance
- That I have a bit of money in the bank so we aren’t too stressed yet
- That I was able to talk with Dad about how things are going
- That he was supportive and confident in my abilities to provide for my family
- That Becky supports me so much
Hasta manana!
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