I thought I’d publish this here since this is part of my journal: Hey President Walker, It was great to speak with you for a few minutes a few weeks ago. My dad said you had really nice things to say about me as a missionary – I appreciate that a lot. I will do […]
Archives for January 2011
Quick Study on Objectives
This will be a quick study since it’s already pretty late and I really want to get to bed earlier this week. I looked up Objectives at LDS.org and found a few talks I’d like to look at more: Which Road Will You Travel? Some Thoughts on Goal-Setting From the first talk by President Monson: […]
Pride is the Universal Sin
Things have been going pretty well: I went to the temple the other day and basically got confirmation that scripture study, being penitent, is one of the biggest keys to my success in overcoming my addictions and turning my will to God. I’ve felt that many times and this time was another clear answer and […]
What Am I Seeking
I went to the temple last night in seek of guidance and direction: I’ve felt fearful and unsure of myself lately, in large part because I feel my priorities have been a bit out of wack. The answers I feel I got this time were pretty clear too: it’s all about my objectives and motives. […]
Understanding the Atonement Better
I want to study today about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I feel that the more I center my thoughts on Christ, the better chance I’ll have of resisting temptation. As used in the scriptures, to atone is to suffer the penalty for sins, thereby removing the effects of sin from the repentant sinner and […]
Why Is Making Time for God So Important
The title of this post is definitely rhetorical – I’ve felt both the positive and the negative affects of studying (or the lack thereof) the doctrines of the Gospel found in the scriptures – both modern and ancient. As I was browsing through the recent conference talks, the title by Elder Richard G. Scott caught […]
Becoming More Like Him
Another day. Yesterday went really well. I had lunch with Josh C. who gave me lots of ideas and connections to network with for CF. I called all the dance studio owners to remind them about calendaring their recitals with us. I mapped out a proposal for the “low hanging fruit” concept for CF dealing […]
Turning to God
As I said yesterday, I feel really blessed for all the things that seem to be falling in to place; however, I also feel pretty overwhelmed and a bit fearful. Hence the title of my blog post today. I searched on LDS.org for the phrase “turning to God” and found a talk by Elder Bednar […]
Count Your Many Blessings
It’s late. I’m tired. It’s been a long day. But I couldn’t end the day without writing down a few things that happened today: I signed my biggest contract to date with CF to do marketing consulting (will talk about this one more in a bit) Got a cool email from Dad stating that he’s […]
The Power of Studying the Scriptures
Yesterday I taught the first lesson for my new primary class – a combination of some of the former kids plus two new ones. The class was SO much easier to teach without some of the older boys there (I called them “hoodlums”). We covered the scriptures and what they mean. One of the scriptures […]
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