As I mentioned the other day, I’ve been getting a few questions from a couple of my high school friends, both of which are either studying to be or already are pastors in their faith. Here’s the response I gave to one of them: Sorry about not getting back to you sooner. I’ll do my […]
Archives for March 2011
Are Mormon’s Christians?
I got an email yesterday from a high school friend. His father was known in our community as a strong opposition to our faith (ie. an anti-Mormon). Never did we talk about religion. Never did the topic come up, possibly because, where I was from, this friend and his dad were in the minority. However, […]
Trust in God, Then Go and Do
Well, the day started off pretty well today. I started with prayer, got up and showered, and then went to meet Russ P. to talk about doing some sales and management work for their company. I feel good about the options and am going to move forward with it. I also followed up with Tory […]
Small and Simple Things
Today is Madi’s 4th birthday. How the time has passed so fast. We came to Grandma and Grandpa Moller’s house this weekend to go fishing with Caleb & Leroy Ulrich and then to celebrate Madi’s special day. Alma 37:6-7 “Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me, but behold I say unto you, […]
LESSON: Jesus Christ Teaches about Prayer
Again, how fitting that this lesson is about something so important to me in my process of recovery from addiction. I’ve found prayer to be such a vital way to “submit my will to God”, to put my confidence in Him, and to clean up my thoughts, which lead to actions. To me, there are […]
LESSON: Jesus Teaches about Prayer
I figured I’d get an early start on my lesson for two weeks from now. The purpose of the lesson is “To help each child have the desire to have daily personal prayer.” How to Pray Always 19 Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in aprayer unto him. 20Cry unto him when ye are in your […]
You Know Enough
While there are many experiences like the one we are having today, full of spiritual power and confirmation, there are also days when we feel inadequate and unprepared, when doubt and confusion enter our spirits, when we have difficulty finding our spiritual footing. Part of our victory as disciples of Christ is what we do […]
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