I’m grateful to have had the time today to go over the getting started portion of the recovery program with my sponsor. I’m grateful we found a time that will work for both of us. I’m grateful to be in recovery today. I’m grateful to have a patient and loving wife despite all the pain […]
Archives for November 2014
My Gratitude Journal – Day 6
We had a good day today. We got up and went to a city breakfast and to see Santa. It was really fun to see Jayden get so excited about sitting on Santa’s lap. Caleb knows about Santa and I imagine Madi is starting to wonder, but Chloe and J are still really excited. After […]
My Gratitude Journal – Day 5
I hope you got my email yesterday. And I hope we can find a time to talk tomorrow or Sunday. Today was a good day. Becky woke up early and went shopping with my mom while I stayed back with the kids for breakfast and hanging out. We ate breakfast, then went outside and played […]
My Gratitude Journal
Today has been a good day. We all enjoyed Thanksgiving together and I felt good about my submission to God today. We started the morning off early by running our local 5k turkey trot. When we got there I was aware of my surroundings and said a quick prayer about keeping my chin up and […]
My Gratitude Journal
Things are going well here. I’m just anxious to go over the getting started section and move on to the next step. Today was a good day. I played basketball in the morning and then took time to study and write. Humility is a grate topic to study, especially in relation to recovery, gratitude and […]
Humility and Empowerment
Based on the definition I found yesterday for humility in the dictionary, humility and empowerment seem to be contradictory. But I found an article today called “The Empowerment of Humility” by Richard Edgley that I want to study today. Becky and I had a good talk last night about how things are going: she had […]
Examples of Humility in the Scriptures
Since I’m kind of pending on the step work with my sponsor after completely spacing it for the call last night, I’m going to study today about Humility: how it relates to my recovery, what I can do to have more humility, and examples of humble people in the scriptures. What is Humility? According to […]
My Gratitude Journal – Day 7
Today has been a good and crazy day. Becky and I stayed our last night last night at the Zermatt in Midway. It was such a great time to get away and enjoy the gift I won from BNI. We had such a relaxing time – ate great food at fun restaurants, watched the Hunger […]
Sponsor Assignment – Day 7
If you suspect you are addicted and if you feel even the smallest desire to break free, we invite you to join us in studying and applying the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ as they are taught in this guide. We assure you that if you follow this path with a sincere heart, […]
My Gratitude Journal – Day 6
Today was a really fun day in Park City. Beck and I got to sleep in – which is a new thing since usually the kids come in to pounce on us pretty early. We then went to breakfast at a local place here in Midway (we’re on a Yelp kick where we look up […]
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