Merry Christmas! Today was a great day! Mom and Dad celebrated Christmas with us today at our house. Becky is 3 weeks away from having our 5th baby – it’s so crazy.
Plus, we got a ton of snow last night and today – a white Christmas.
I felt pretty good overall. I did feel a little resentful or anxious as we opened all the gifts. I say “all” because it seemed there were a TON. This was the first time we opened all the gifts from us, Santa, and the grandparents in one setting. Usually the gifts from the grandparents are split up a little bit – which seems to help.
Today, though, it was quite crazy. And the hard thing for me is I ask the kids to slow down and take turns and they don’t listen. Then Madi spilled nail polish on her new sweats – which was not a great experience for my patience or for her new sweats.
I think I felt the most uncomfortable with how much loot they all got. It was a bit crazy. I’m hoping next year we can adapt to the “less is more” mentality and think about giving more than receiving.
Becky really spoiled me too. She surprised me with a work bench for tools and parts and all that. It will go in the garage and will help me keep things organized out there. It was a big surprise and I was really excited. She also got me some pants, some chocolate covered raisins, stocking stuffer stuff, and gift cards to Wiggy Wash.
Mom and Dad got me hiking boots, sweat pants, and some $$ for the house
Mom and Dad Schmidt got us a painting, the Old Testament DVDs, and Packer clothes
I’m so grateful for the financial blessings we have.
I’m grateful to be ending the year well.
I’m grateful Mom and Dad were able to be with us for Christmas. I’m grateful that it seemed to go really well for everyone.
I’m grateful that the kids seemed really excited about what they got.
I’m grateful we got to eat Christmas dinner with Ray and Amy.
I’m grateful for Christ’s birth and life.
I’m grateful today was a day in recovery from my addictions to lust, pornography and masturbation.
I’m grateful to have worked on Step 4 today and submitted it to my sponsor.
I look forward to another day in recovery by submitting my will to Him.
Hasta manana!
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