I just finished working on my full disclosure document, which is never fun. I also had a tough talk with Beck this morning about something our therapist said to her after her meeting recently with him. He told her that we should probably not have sex as much in the future and that that part […]
The Power of the Daily Routine
This morning has bee a good one. Becky and I had a deep talk about how I’ve been off for the past couple weeks, and I feel like I’m recognizing some of the negative emotions I’m dealing with. Scout Camp, both Timberline and the recent camp, have been hard for me. Not only have they […]
Discussion: The Right vs. Wrong Mentality
Right versus wrong…what’s the difference? How much should I fight for what’s right and oppose what’s wrong? If I’m working on recovery behavior, how do I focus on serenity and peace and yet still combat wrong as I see it? The topic of right versus wrong has been on my mind a lot lately, especially in […]
The Infamous Elder Oaks Talk on Pornography
Yesterday was Jay’s birthday! We had a great time at the zoo, although I had to be aware of the surroundings, surrender my will (and my eyes), and practice the chin-up. I feel I did well overall, but when we got home, I could tell something was off with Becky. We did our check-in last […]
Is My Sexual Sobriety Completely Committed?
I woke up early today and felt really anxious. The random thing is, this is why I believe I was feeling anxious: Is the AC working? Did they adjust it right? It seems to be making a new sound? Am I paying for services I don’t need with hosting? Is the server issue ever going […]
Discussion: 7 Helpful Tips for an Addict Who Travels
This discussion topic about an addict who travels is from one of our friends in recovery, Sam. Thanks to Sam for contributing to the group discussion and for the time he put into collecting his thoughts. If you’re interested in sharing a discussion topic, please reach out to me here. At least for me, traveling is one […]
The Process of Working on Full Disclosure
I used a good 60 minutes today to work on my full disclosure document. It’s not fun and it brings back a lot of bad memories. It also makes me feel scared for how Becky will take all my past. For whatever reason, the past is never something we’ve ever talked about. I’m not sure […]
The Importance of Recognizing Negative Emotions Before Lust and Porn Attack
I feel good today so far. It’s been a productive morning and I’ve felt very connected to Becky and the kids. It’s so nice to have her back. As we’ve been talking about recovery, something has reminded me of how important it is to realize that negative emotions are the core issue when it comes […]
Understanding Feelings in the Present Moment
What do I feel? I feel uneasy. I feel like I have so much to do that I don’t know where to start. I feel anxious. I feel flustered. I feel lonely & isolated. I feel like sleeping. I feel scared. I feel self-pity. Now the why… I feel uneasy because I know there are […]
Discussion: Sobriety vs. Recovery – Is there a difference?
Sobriety vs. Recovery…is there really a difference? I’ve thought this many times, and I’ve talked about it with a few friends in recovery from sexual addiction too. So the discussion is this: What is the difference between recovery and sobriety? Or is there a difference? I think the question is one that needs to be […]
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