Today is Day 81 of 82 for working on my Step 9 work – Making Amends. Why is this such a big deal? To me, it’s a big deal because when I was working on recovery last time, I stopped in the middle of Step 9, either due to fear, due to pride, or due […]
Why Did Today Feel So Good in Recovery?
Today was quite an amazing day; I’m not sure why so I’m going to write it out. I woke up at 6:30, said a personal prayer, and worked on my step work (3 letters to people I’m making amends to), then submitted it to my sponsor. After the step work I looked over the list […]
The Eve of My One Year Mark In Recovery
It’s hard to believe that’s its been a year since the start of my real recovery from addiction to pornography, masturbation, and lust. One day at a time is something I truly believe in now more than ever before. I’m so grateful for the love and support I’ve received from Becky, from my sponsor, and […]
Is Something Off With Me Today?
I just finished my step work and sent it to my sponsor. That felt good. I wrote out a few letters to people that are close to me: Caleb, Madi, and Mandy. Here are those letters: Dear Caleb, First off, I love you so much and am proud of the young man you are becoming. […]
What Have I Learned Today?
I’m not sure I’ve ever asked myself that question before, “What have I leaned today?” If I were to make a list, I would say these are the main things that come to mind: Making amends can be via a letter I don’t have to send to the person, especially if it’s over a feeling […]
More on Dealing with Change
This is what I wrote about the other day: Who are some people in the scriptures who dealt with change? How did they handle it? What can I learn from them? These are some questions that come to mind. Here’s a shot at listing a few of them before I research it out: From the […]
Dealing with Changes
Today is a new day. Yesterday Mom Schmidt headed back home after 11 days here helping with new baby Tyson. It was great to have her – she was so helpful, but honestly it’s nice to be together as a family with no visitors and distractions. Beck has been having a bit of a hard […]
My Gratitude Journal – Day 64
Later night tonight. I got invited by Brad to go to the BYU basketball game, which started at 9:00… I took caleb with me as a surprise, picked him up after soccer practice. It was fun to surprise him and have a boys night out. I also got to read a great journal entry by […]
What Would My Perfect Day Look Like?
I think I’ve asked and answered this question before, but I think fear of failure or of having unrealistic expectations has held me up in the past from continuing this path of “the perfect day.” So, I’m going to look at it again, especially since it relates to what I’ve learned from the Inner Gold […]
My Gratitude Journal – Day 57
Today was good. I got back to work and some productivity, although meetings this morning through me off some. I’m grateful to have lived in recovery today. Going to Walmart and the hair cutting place weren’t temptations at all because I was aware of what was potentilla there. I’m grateful for this awareness. I’m grateful […]
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