Since it’s really late, my post today will be brief but fitting. It’s about going to bed early and getting enough rest. In D&C 88: 124 it states:
Cease to be a idle ; cease to be b unclean ; cease to c find fault one with another; cease to d sleep longer than is needful; retire to thy bed early , that ye may not be weary; arise early , that your bodies and your minds may be e invigorated . (bold added for emphasis)
It can’t really be more clear than than. When I cross-referenced "sleep" I found these topics:
Idleness, Laziness, and Uncleanliness. To me, this is saying that if you are idle, lazy, or don’t get adequate sleep, you are inviting uncleanliness in to your life. I’ve seen this – if I stay up to late and dink around, I begin to let down my guard and "stumble around".
I also feel that, when I don’t have enough rest, I’m more stressed at work, less patient at home, and overall things don’t go as smooth. Lately at work I’ve felt so overwhelmed with things to accomplish. This is probably primarily due to the fact that I’ve been staying up a lot later recently to work on projects. It’s time to re-adjust my routines and make some changes!
I also cross-referenced "invigorated" and found these topics and scriptures:
Heal ; Sickness ; Word of Wisdom
D&C 59: 19 to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul.
But they that a wait upon the Lord shall b renew their c strength ; they shall mount up with wings as d eagles ; they shall e run , and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.(Isa. 40: 31 )
So, a new goal:
- I will be in bed by no later than 11:30 p.m. with the computer off by no later than Midnight . (I know, that’s not "retiring to thy bed [very] early" but it’s a start and a step in the right direction.
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