This will be a quick post because I’m not keeping my goal to be in bed earlier (currently 12:04 a.m.).
I was really glad to make it back to the meeting tonight. We read Step 8 about Seeking Forgiveness.
I shared my thoughts on how my progress in recovery has NOT been based on my efforts, it’s not been based on working with a sponsor, it’s not been based on group attendance, etc. Yes, ALL of these things are beneficial; but the main source of recovery is through Jesus Christ. Only through His Atonement can I experience true recovery.
I read this quote from the manual:
“No matter what the source of difficulty and no matter how you begin to obtain relief—through a qualified professional therapist, doctor, priesthood leader, friend, concerned parent, or loved one— no matter how you begin, those solutions will never provide a complete answer. The final healing comes through faith in Jesus Christ and His teachings, with a broken heart and a contrite spirit and obedience to His commandments” (Richard G. Scott, in Conference Report, Apr. 1994, 9; or Ensign, May 1994, 9).
Becky and I had a really good talk when I got home too.
We talked about the trials we’re having right now with Caleb. He just seems to look for little things to do that he “knows” aren’t right.
Unfortunately, BOTH of us overreact to his actions and we KNOW even more that this overreaction is not helpful to anyone.
We both feel the involvement we have in the program, directly or in-directly, will help us turn our will toward God to overcome this character weakness.
I love Caleb so much and want what’s best for him. I have to remember that he’s FIVE.YEARS.OLD. Expecting too much is not helping anyone, especially him.
That’s all for tonight!
Hasta Luego!
p.s. It’s my mom and dad’s 39th wedding anniversary tomorrow (June 25th, 2010). Beck and I will have to have something big planned for next year!
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