Here’s one of my reviews on one of the Step 7 questions:
I feel one of the things I can do better with submitting my will to God and being humble is consistent personal prayer.
i feel my “Heavenly Father, I need your help” prayers have really helped me; however, I feel I lack giving thanks and recognizing His hand in all the things I’ve been giving.
I feel I can also ask for help in other things, other than my addictions. I feel I can have better conversations with my Father and let Him know the true desires of my heart. I feel there is room for improvement – it’s all about what my priorities are.
I feel it’s been helpful to set goals for writing in my journal, but I have to be careful about WHY I’m writing in my journal. I feel it needs to be most about sharing my feelings with myself and God, not about just checking something off a list.
I look forward to reviewing more of the Step 7 questions and my answers.
Here’s another review of a Step 7 post:
Wow, I’m so glad I wrote this experience down, as I wouldn’t have remember all the details. It’s interesting, TODAY (6.28.10), Caleb talked about some of these things we discussed.
We went fishing up at the Spanish Fork reservoir and somehow it came up that Jesus is the most powerful person and has much more power than Satan ever will. This was Caleb talking. I guess it’s proof that you never know how much the little guy will remember and implement quite a while after the fact.
We had a great time fishing – Caleb, Madi, Chloe and I – while Mom was at aerobics. Caleb caught his first little fish at the reservoir (a little trout that we let go).
I feel I can learn a lot about humility as I work hard to be a better parent and father. Becky and I had a good talk about what our children “should know better” versus what WE “should know better”.
Both Becky and I get bothered by Caleb most right now because we feel “he should know better”. But the bottom line is, he’s 5 years old and WE “should know better” to not lose our tempers over silly kid mistakes.
Recognizing this is the first step; but REMEMBERING the concept is easy to forget in the heat of the moment – that time when being tired, frustrated, and on edge causes me to get over-irritated.
One other thing I remember Caleb saying today is, “It’s so fun to be with you Dad when you don’t yell at us…” It doesn’t get anymore clear than that.
I love my children and wife and feel so blessed to have them in my life.
This review question is where I need to work the hardest. It’s having that personal prayer and completing submitting my will over to God to let Him do what he will with me:
This is a great scripture and question. I feel THIS is the main prayer I need to have. THIS is where I need to be. I feel like there is more I can do to plead with God for help.
Right now, in my recovery, I feel I’ve got a bit stagnant for some reason. I feel a lot of it is because I’m not doing some of the basic things as consistently as I’d like to be: studying my scriptures and saying dedicated, personal prayers.
I feel I can also be a bit more consistent in talking with Jason and working on the steps at the FIRST of the day instead of at the end of the day. I can also be more consistent with GOING TO BED EARLIER. This, by far, is my hardest weakness to overcome. I feel the core of this “addiction” is feeling my way is better than God’s – that I can only get things done late at night.
The truth is, I usually don’t get too much done at all. I dink around, waste time, and end up being so tired the next day anyway and the less productive, more moody, etc.
The worst thing is, it’s SO OBVIOUS as I’m writing this all out, but then I continue to do the same thing over and over again. “I know better…”
Anyway, I feel there’s room for improvement and I’m ready to take this step more thoroughly.
This is the last question I’m going to review tonight. It’s pretty straight forward and reiterates what I know I need to be doing – consistency in reading the word of God and consistency in kneeling in earnest prayer daily:
This is a powerful scripture too…
It causes me to reflect a lot on where I’m at and what I can do to be more consistent.
I haven’t been speaking with either of the sponsorees lately; I wonder if that has had some effect on the way I feel too. Raul is in Mexico visiting family and Devin has kind of “fallen off the face of the earth” – I haven’t seen him at meetings or talked to him.
I’m not sure if I should call him or text him to say hello or what the best practice would be. I think I’ll text him just to let him know I’m thinking of him. (Just texted him.)
I definitely believe that I don’t comprehend all the things the Lord comprehends. By stating that, though, it means that I need to be willing to stop doing things like staying up too late. The Lord knows what’s best for me. If I really believe the Lord knows better, I need to follow my beliefs.
Anyway, I don’t feel like there is too much more I can say about this question really. It’s clear and concise. I need to JUST DO IT!
I’m grateful to review these questions and my answers.
I’m grateful to know that I can do anything with God’s help.
I’m really grateful for my calling and the opportunity it’s giving me to share what I’m learning in a real-life setting.
I’m grateful that I can hopefully have a positive influence on the boys I teach, including Ethan.
I’m grateful to learn and re-learn about these key principles. I feel like I’m learning them in an entirely new way now.
I’m grateful that Becky and I are able to talk about these concepts and how they apply to our day to day lives.
I’m grateful that honesty is not something that’s hard for me to deal with and that I’m learning how to be even more honest with myself.
Hasta luego!
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