I started the day by showering, then eating breakfast with the kids and Becky. During breakfast I read and told the story of Shadrach, Meschak and Abednego to the kids. I felt it went well and they actually understood that these men were faithful and put their trust in God.
I’m going to continue my study from last night about dealing with life’s trials:
“Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans.”
Just the normal journey through life teaches us that nothing worthwhile comes easy.
Sometimes the most challenging form of endurance is found in trying to stay with our priorities, commitments, and assignments.
I love these quotes and feel there are EXACTLY where I’m at right now. Life has happened. I’ve taken a new path that is a bit steep right now. Nothing worthwhile is going to come easy. My biggest challenge right now is prioritizing, keeping my commitments (both personal and business related) and giving myself assignments that are the steps necessary to achieve certain goals and objectives – supporting my family financially.
Greatness is best measured by how well an individual responds to the happenings in life that appear to be totally unfair, unreasonable, and undeserved. Sometimes we are inclined to put up with a situation rather than endure. To endure is to bear up under, to stand firm against, to suffer without yielding, to continue to be, or to exhibit the state or power of lasting.
That’s a powerful quote I’m tempted to share with most of my former colleagues 🙂
I know most, if not all, of them are “putting up with” what they deal with.
When heartaches, tragedies, disappointments, injury, unusual attention, fame, or excessive prosperity become part of our lives, our challenges and responsibilities will be to endure them well. God will assist us in our quest to conquer, triumph, and continue if we humbly rededicate ourselves to the meaningful declaration “We have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things.” (A of F 1:13.)
I like “humble rededicate ourselves”. To me, to humbly rededicate is to put first things first, to show that I rely on the Lord on a daily, even hourly, basis.
I decided to read a bit more on LDS.org and found a talk by Elder Uchtdorf titled “Heeding the Voice of the Prophets“.
Whatever our challenges in life may be, our burdens may become light if we not only believe in Christ but also in His ability and His power to cleanse and console our lives. Our lives are healed as we accept His peace.
This is a great reminder as well that things will be ok as long as I believe in Christ and in His power to cleanse and console my life in ALL AREAS.
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
“Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord” (2 Timothy 1:7–8).
Yet how many of us permit our fears to take control of our lives in this time of international tension, economic and political uncertainties, and personal challenges?
President Thomas S. Monson said: “The problems of our day loom ominously before us. Surrounded by the sophistication of modern living, we look heavenward for that unfailing sense of direction, that we might chart and follow a wise and proper course. He whom we call our Heavenly Father will not leave our sincere petition unanswered.”1
The Lord knows us, He loves us, He wants us to succeed, and He encourages us by saying: “And see that all … things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that [men or women] should run faster than [they have] strength. … [But] it is expedient that [they] should be diligent” (Mosiah 4:27).
I’m grateful for the words of the prophets, both ancient and modern. I know they are Heavenly Father’s messengers and that if I listen to their words, study them and apply them in my life, I’ll be directed on the path that is best for me and for my family.
I’m grateful I made studying an early part of my day (although I finished this study at 1:00 p.m. – better than 1:00 a.m. 🙂 )
Hasta manana!
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