This will be a quick post today since I really have a lot to get done.
However, I wanted to update myself and those who read this on how things have been lately.
Since talking to the Bishop briefly about my addictions and getting the ok to bless my boy, things have been pretty good. I feel I can work more on submitting my will to God by asking for His help when I see women – praying that He’ll help me keep my chin up.
The other day I was looking for artwork for a website design and saw a couple images that weren’t appropriate. I was happy to say I didn’t stay there and “browse” like I’ve been accustom to in the past.
I’ve sensed a bit of the addiction coming back: browsing a bit on Facebook – not for pornography but just looking at different pictures. This is ALWAYS a sign that I am slipping back into things I shouldn’t be.
Beck’s schedule will be changing soon so I plan to go back to the meeting in Springville. I look forward to that.
I liked this video and wanted to share it:
I felt this “light” the other day at Costco when I saw a lady getting ready to unload her big order into her car. I felt good that I “yielded to that influence” to help her get the heavy stuff into her car. I also felt this light today when I got home. Beck had talked about getting the garage cleaned up so I cleaned it up as much as I could, hoping to surprise her when she comes home.
I like what President Bednar said about how, as we “yield to that influence to do good and become good, then the light of Christ increases within us…”.
In Doctrine and Covenants 50:24 it says:
24 That which is of God is alight; and he that breceivethclight, and dcontinueth in God, receiveth more elight; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
I also like what is says later in that same section:
29 And if ye are apurified and cleansed from all bsin, ye shall cask whatsoever you will in the name of Jesus and it shall be done.
I wouldn’t say I’m “purified” or “cleansed from all sin”; however, I am honestly trying to be my best self, to serve my wife, to be nicer to my kids (more patient), and to serve my best in my calling.
I feel our family has been blessed with the things we need because we are sincerely trying – although we’re by no means perfect.
I’m excited for this day and look forward to making it a productive one.
Hasta manana!
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