It has been a nice day so far. This morning, Becky, Caleb, Madi and I went to the Stake Center to watch the Payson Utah Temple dedication. Elder Eyring and Elder Cook were presiding.
A few things that stuck out to me from the dedication:
- As our kids get involved more and more in family history and temple work, they will be strengthened by their ancestors and protected from the power of the destroyer.
- Temples are the “mountain of the Lord,” similar to the mountains that surround this beautiful temple.
- Elijah the prophet talked all about temples.
- Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone of all temples; we are doing His work when we go to the temple.
I was grateful to be there with Becky and the kids. I felt happy to be living in recovery today and being willing to submit my will over to God.
After the meeting, we came home and picked up Chloe, Jayden and Tyson at the neighbors and then I went to the Springville condo to check on the carpet.
Things are looking good there. We got a contract in place for new renters that will be moving in on Tuesday.
I feel really grateful for how much Heavenly Father has blessed me with temporal things: the condo, the Somerset twin home, my career and the financial blessings that come with that career, our beautiful home, and all the other material blessings that He has given us.
I don’t know that I really deserve these blessings, but I’m grateful for all of them and always want to recognize God’s hand in those blessings.
How can I recognize God’s hand more in my life?
I feel this is a good question to ponder. Here are some initial thoughts:
- I can write out my feelings of thanks in my journal
- I can say my personal prayers and sincerely thank Him for what he’s given me that day
- When a blessing happens, I can try to promptly thank Heavenly Father for the blessing in my life
- I can be giving to others and know that everything I have comes from God – I should be willing to share my substances with others
- I can serve others, especially my family (Mosiah 2:17)
I like what it says in the talk titled “Recognizing God’s Hand in Our Daily Blessings:”
Incorporating new and wholesome habits into our character or overcoming bad habits or addictions often means an effort today followed by another tomorrow and then another, perhaps for many days, even months and years, until we achieve victory. But we can do it because we can appeal to God for our daily bread, for the help we need each day.
I’m grateful for the study today.
I’m grateful to have made the time.
Hasta luego!
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