Well, it’s been a productive morning.
I woke up fairly early and made a list of things I had to get done. Then I started doing them.
They included:
And these too (which I haven’t got done yet):
? Deposit HS and MM money 14.07.2015
? Garbages back in 14.07.2015
? Pray, read, write, share 14.07.2015
? AA: Create the 301 redirect in htaccess 14.07.2015
? AA: Create project for Meet the experts page 14.07.2015
? Proposal Map for Bryce Canyon 14.07.2015
? Kick Off Email with Spencer 14.07.2015
? Proposal Map for Steve Hill 14.07.2015
? Bid for Clogon buyout
? Janece video
? Call Amy Shoell
? Email mike McKell
? Email dr wall
? List dresser on ksl/craigslist
? Add BDT Re-direct for the Photos page (Smug Mug)
? Update this page for mobile: http://www.basicdancetraining.com/media/
I am now headed to Scout Camp until Friday night. I’m hoping it goes well. I also have my first Bootcamp call at 1:00 today, which I’m excited about and hopeful that I can do up there.
Last night went well too.
I got home, ate dinner (Wendy’s Baconator), and then watched a 30 for 30 on NetFlix about Bo Jackson.
I also worked on getting my phone up to date since the other one broke.
Then I went to bed and read for awhile: I had a hard time falling right to sleep due to caffeine.
I read the book Beck had put together about my Rock Bottom, which was not fun to read but was a good reminder of where I’ve been and where I never want to go again.
I also started reading the book Mom and Dad gave me written by Elder L. Tom Perry about Fatherhood.
I’m so grateful to be a dad and a husband.
I can never take these blessings for granted again.
I love Becky and the kids so much and want to be there for them and learn and grow with them.
I love living in recovery.
I love working towards goals and dreams.
I’m grateful that today is a new day in recovery.
Hasta luego!
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