Step 3: Fasting and prayer First Name* Email* We only require this so you will be sent your answers and can review them. Your email address will not be shared with anyone.Study and UnderstandingThe following scriptures may help you in taking step 3. Use these scriptures and questions for medi- tation, study, and writing. Remember to be honest and specific in your writing.Fasting and prayer “They did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sancti- fication of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God” (Helaman 3:35).This verse describes a people who yielded their hearts to God. How can fasting strengthen your ability to yield your heart to God and abstain from addiction?*Consider the importance of praying in the moment of temptation, and write about how prayer will strengthen your humility and your faith in Christ.*How strong is your willingness to yield your heart to God instead of yielding to addiction in the moment of temptation?* Δ
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