Yesterday was a good day at church. I had some thoughts about consistency that I wanted to write down before I forgot them.
What I’ve seen with consistency is “it’s all about the small things I do every day that makes the biggest difference.”
- Scripture Study
- Personal Prayer, both morning, night and during the day
- Service
- Attitude
- Working the program (answering questions, working on a specific step, helping others)
We were talking in church about eternal life and where we will end up. We were comparing Enoch to Cain and the things they each did to get their “rewards in Heaven”.
One of the first things Enoch did was recognize that he knew God, that God was his Father in Heaven.
Our Sunday School teacher, Bro. Jarman, was talking about the different levels of glory and where we’ll end up. One person mentioned that we’ll end up where we feel most comfortable. I added to that something like this, “The first step Enoch took in his eternal progress was to recognize that God was his Father. It all starts there: if we really come to ‘know’ God, know his will for us, and then we DO that will and have a personal relationship with Him, we WILL be comfortable living in His presence because we’ll know Him. So the question remains – ‘How well do I know God and His Son Jesus Christ?’ If I can answer that truly, that will help me discern where I’m headed in the eternal scheme of things…”
I felt so good sharing that concept and feel I’ve learned much of that through the 12 Step Program. It’s really helped me understand the Atonement and apply it more proactively in every aspect of my life.
One other thought I had to maintain consistency:
I’m going to schedule one post every day 5-6 days per week that has one of the questions from the program. I’m then going to subscribe via email to my own blog to be reminded what I need to do each day of the week. Not only will this help me remember what I need to do, but it will get me in positive habits to continue to work the program in different ways.
One final thought: last night I went to bed at 10:05 p.m. It was a record for me I think. I got a great sleep, helped with Chloe in the morning, and it’s now 10 to 6:00 a.m. I feel this is doing God’s will for me as far as a schedule. It’s so productive: the kids are still in bed, Becky is getting better rest, and I feel Heavenly Father is happy with what I’m doing. I’m putting “first things first” too by working on spiritual things to start the day.
Now on to implement my idea about the questions per day.
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