Well, I feel pretty good right now because I actually wrote this content last night on a piece of paper before I’d fallen asleep. It tells me that I may have formed a positive habit.
Another 30 Day Challenge I’m starting as of the other day is to come to bed with Becky every night. So far I’m 3 for 3! Not only does it show her I love her and respect her, but it keeps me out of harms way too.
I started listening to Jesus the Christ in the car today. It’s pretty deep stuff but makes me think a lot more about the Savior. I’m excited to listen to it once, then possibly read the book.
My "chin up" methods haven’t been as good lately. I’ve seemed to have a "wandering eye" more and I’m not sure why. I believe part of it is SELFISHNESS, putting my will before God’s. Also, I feel I’ve thought – "Gosh, I don’t want to stop looking around…or…I’m ok at least looking once." For me, it’s like walking close to the edge of the cliff and saying "I won’t fall, I’ll be fine." So, I really need to recommit to the "chin up" approach.
Caleb had a catastrophy today: he pooped in his closet, threw it behind the suitcases, wiped his hand on the door, and then lied to me about most of it. I was irate with him and gave him a time out for the entire night (unfortunately I had to go do flags for Young Men and wasn’t able to be there to help Becky all the way through). I really need to control my temper with Caleb. Overall he is such a great kid. I need to work hard to focus on the positive things he does everyday.
I finally got the Triathlon for Varsity Scouts squared away. I didn’t realize how much planning goes in to these events. Brother Kalualu is really good at what he does. I really need to get things turned in so my boys can get their Varsity letter and any of the pins they are close to.
Well, that’s about all for today. I felt the hand of God today at the last minutes of the day when I was about asleep and then was reminded that I need to write in my journal.
One thing I plan to do in the next few days is read what I’ve already written and evaluate.
Until tomorrow…
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