How would your behavior change if you were only concerned about looking good to God?
I believe it would will change ALL aspects of my life. The key is to “always remember Him…that His Spirit will always be with me.”
With the way I think, it would be good to write out on paper what I think God would want me to do in a variety of situations:
- When I’m stressed at work
- When I’m tempted to stay up late
- When I wake up in the morning
- When I have lots of things to do and don’t know where to start
- When my kids are wild and crazy
- When I’m afraid of the unknown
- When I want to be something that I’m not
Answers to situations like these can really help me “remember” when I’m in that situation. I feel the best way to find those answers is through personal prayer (What is Thy will for me today?), searching in scriptures (both ancient and modern) and living worthy of the Spirit to guide me in ALL my decisions, not just the spiritual ones but the temporal ones too.
Things I’m thankful for today:
- That I finished reviewing my inventory with Jason
- That I got to his house on time
- That I am answering another question today from the manual
- That I kept my cool today in our Division Leader meeting at work
- That I care about the clients I’m working with and want what’s best for them
- That I got things funded for Forex
- That I get to go biking with the family tonight after work
- That I’m able to talk with my colleagues at work about my concerns
I may try to answer another question tonight, depending on what I have going on in the evening.
I’ll be going to bed early tonight (on or before 11:00 p.m.).
Hasta Luego!
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