I realized that last month I wrote in my journal (this blog) 12 times out of 30 days. This made me think, I’d really like to set some specific personal goals so here they are for the month of May:
Spiritual Goals
- Write in my journal at least 20 times in May
- Finish at least steps 6 and 7 in the manual
- Go to the temple 2 times in May (1 early morning before work)
- Read at least one scripture from the Book of Mormon every day
Financial Goals
- Make $3,000 with CO
- 38 sales at $80 per sale or
- 60 sales of 2nds at $50 per sale
- Make $10,000 with MM
- $6K with VIQ
- $1,700 with WM
- $300 with AD
- $1,225 with JA
- $775 with ?
- Make $200 per day (1 good trade), 5 days per week with Forex
- $4,000 total for the month of May
- Get my gas reimbursement from HS taken care of for Q1 2010
- Finalize 4 events for HS based on leads from DA 2010
- CS
- Melissa’s team
- Heather
- Diane
- ET?
- TH Email Campaign
- WM Email Campaign
- Massage Therapy Event
- Salon Event
Physical Goals
- Run 3.1 miles 1 time per week
- Play basketball on Tuesday nights at 9:00 p.m. at least 2 times in May
- Walk or ride bikes with family at least 4 times in May
I’m going to print this out and read it at least 3 times per day.
We’ll see how it all goes.
p.s. This is 1 of 20 journal entries for the week.
Update on My May Goals so far: 5.24.10
– Write in my journal at least 20 times in May: so far I’m at 15 days and if I hit every day for the rest of the month, I’ll have 21 days!
– Finish at least steps 6 and 7 in the manual: well, I for sure will “finish” step 6, and will have started step 7. What I’ve realized about step 6 is that it’s not like steps 4 and 5 where they can be “done”. Step 6 is quite a bit more of a process over the course of my life. I’m making good progress though.
– Go to the temple 2 times in May (1 early morning before work): I’ve been once so far and have a few days left. It will have to be one day early this week.
– Read at least one scripture from the Book of Mormon every day: I haven’t done this as well on a consistent basis. Yes, I’ve read the scriptures in the manual and have read from the scriptures from time to time otherwise, but this is something I really need to work on more consistently – make it a priority I stick to.
Overall I feel I’m making good progress with my Spiritual Goals for May 2010.
That is awesome Nate! Thanks for setting a good example for me and for your willingness to share your excitement about recovery with others.
Thanks for the comment Sterling! I’ve found writing things out like this make a lot of difference: it seems to help me “see” the direction I’m going.
If you’re ever interested in using this blog platform as a place to record your thoughts and feelings, let me know and I can set up a login and password for you.
Talk soon! Let me know how the questions and reading is going!
Great post. It’s inspiring to see how someone can use the power of goals to truly get motivated and to achieve great things in life.
Congrats, and keep up the inspiring work.
Alex Work