List some of your character weaknesses, and next to them list the strengths they may become as you come unto Christ.
- Lack of patience with my kids: as I come unto Christ, I can see my relationship with my kids strengthening. Things that have bugged me in the past and caused me to get angry will be easier to cope with and I will show more love to my kids to help them do what is right.
- Comparing myself to others: coming unto Christ will help me have the Spirit more constantly in my life, which will help me fight off this character weakness and only compare myself to God’s will and not the arm of the flesh.
- Thinking my way is better than others: this is a form of pride. As I come unto Christ, my pride will be replaced with Humility. As I strive to keep the goals I’ve set for May and ongoing, I will be helped by reading the scriptures and focusing on what’s most important, God’s will.
- Loosing my temper: Coming unto Christ will help me recognize triggers that cause me to lose my temper.
- Looking at girls to lust after them: the “chin-up” concept is one way I can come unto Christ, do His will, and be protected and prompted. As I work hard on this small and simple thing, it will become a huge turning point and help me stay far away from temptation.
- Procrastinating doing the things I know I need to be doing: procrastination is a form of doing my will instead of God’s. By coming unto Christ, I will do “first things first” and always remember to follow God’s will.
- Relying on my own strength instead of submitting my will to God in all things: this is the core issue. As I come unto Christ, this will be the core thing that will change the rest of my character weaknesses.
- Being selfish by staying up late: as I come unto Christ, I’ll want to go to bed earlier, I’ll have no desire to stay up late and be idle or tempt myself above what I’m able to bear.
I’m sure there are many other character weaknesses. I’m excited to continue taking a personal inventory, and when I’m wrong to promptly admit it.
Hasta luego!
This is a great review too. These are CORE issues and its helpful to recognize them.
Other things that come to mind as character weaknesses:
Having my own agenda and not thinking of others: I’ve recognized this character weakness recently as Becky and I have talked about our relationship, her feelings, etc. She’s pointed out to me that I don’t really do the “little things” anymore that show her I love her. In order to have a healthy and happy marriage, I need to continually court, do thoughtful things, etc. As I come unto Christ, the Spirit will be with me and give me ideas that I may not be thinking of now. I set up a date for this Saturday; I need to think of something fun and creative we can do together that will show her I really do love her and want to take care of her.
Thinking I can do this on my own, that it’s because of my own efforts that I’m overcoming this addiction: Pride, pride, pride! There is NO WAY I can do this one my own. If I think logically, I can show myself over and over again that trying to do this alone NEVER worked! I’ve tried over and over again with no success. It’s only through the grace of God and His Son that I can even get close to full recovery. I have to continue to submit my will to Him if I want a complete change of heart.
I love the gospel. I love what this program is doing for my life. More importantly, I love how this program is helping me understand and live the Atonement in my every day life.