No matter what the source of difficulty and no matter how you begin to obtain relief—through a qualified professional therapist, doctor, priesthood leader, friend, concerned parent, or loved one— no matter how you begin, those solutions will never provide a complete answer. The final healing comes through faith in Jesus Christ and His teachings, with a broken heart and a contrite spirit and obedience to His commandments” (Richard G. Scott, in Conference Report, Apr. 1994, 9; or Ensign, May 1994, 9).
Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve taught that no amount of support or fellowship— even in recovery groups or congregations of the Church—will bring you salvation. Other people may support and bless you in your journey, but eventually you must come unto Christ Himself. Write about how your journey of recovery began.
I’m not sure exactly how my journey of recovery began as I have been working on “recovery” for what seems like my whole life. I think I first considered the meeting during a Sunday School lesson where the Bishop mentioned the 12 Step Program. At the time I wasn’t actively acting out in my addictive behavior but it still crossed my mind.
As Becky was pregnant, I again began to feel the stress of change and new things. While Becky was a way on vacation in Wisconsin, I decided it was time to go to my first meeting. I was really nervous that I may see someone I knew – which I didn’t. I went to the group in Provo and met Jason and Greg there. It felt so good to go to the meeting, share my feelings, and realize that I wasn’t alone and that it was actually possible to “recover” for real. This was in June or July of 2008, almost 2 years ago.
Who was instrumental in helping you get on the path to repentance and recovery? How has their example pointed you toward the Savior?
Greg, my initial facilitator, has definitely been instrumental. He helped me realize that addiction recovery was only possible by relying “solely on the merits of Christ…” He helped me understand the importance of the “chin up” approach to looking at others and how much this can help in my process of recovery from lustful thoughts.
Jason has also been a huge part in my recovery. I’d heard Jason mention things about “sponsorship” a few times in our meetings prior to approaching him to ask more about it. I had been going to the meeting for about 1 year and a few months and wasn’t making much progress. I wasn’t really working the steps on a consistent basis and was simply “going through the motions”: attending meetings but not doing too much more than that.
At first, with the sponsorship, I was still not very committed – on again off again. But then one day, after missing a few individual meetings with Jason and not calling to talk, he called me on my commitment. Although I was defensive initially, it really made me think about how bad I really wanted to recover and rely on God to help me. This was a huge step for me in realizing that it was time to change for good.
Jason and Greg’s examples of addicts in true recovery has really pointed me to the Savior in a lot of ways. I’ve learned better how to work the steps of the program in many aspects of my life, not just my addiction to lust, pornography and masturbation.
I feel like I can be even MORE consistent with submitting my will to the Lord and the Father, but doing these little things has been helpful.
Things I’m Grateful For
- That I had the potential to look at things I shouldn’t and quickly left the area
- That I talked to Becky about it
- That I coped with being tired today by not dabbling on the computer
- That I’m doing “first things first” right now instead of watching basketball
- That I was able to be with the kids all night tonight and feed them, watch a show with them, and put them down
- That I want to have a true change of heart
- That my relationships at work have been much more positive
- That opportunities are coming up more for business projects
Hasta luego!
It’s so helpful to go back over these questions! I really love reading about the initial steps, my ups and downs, and when I finally decided to put more of my trust in God and this program. I’d like to say my “full” trust but feel that, as it says in Step 6, I still have tendencies to “take it back” from time to time.
I feel Becky has also been really helpful in my recovery. Although it’s been really tough for her, she has tried to be understanding, let me talk about it some with her, and has even read the manual from time to time to better understand what I discuss at meetings. She has allowed me to take a few hours per week to go to meetings, meet with Jason, and talk with others about the steps of recovery.
I really believe what Elder Scott says about recovery: no matter how much I go to meetings, talk with Jason and Greg, etc. – only through Christ Jesus will I really see true recovery. At times this is hard to comprehend, but I understand it so much more now, having been through some of the steps in the program.
I’m grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I’m grateful I’ve been given so many chances to come back and be forgiven. I’m grateful that this program is inspired by God and His humble servants to help all people struggling with addiction, whatever type it is.
I’m excited to continue my process of changing my heart. I feel, as I strive to pray personally, work the steps, and study the words of the prophets (ancient and modern), that change will continue to come.
Things I’m Grateful For
– Teaching a lesson today about Moses, Aaron, and Pharaoh
– Getting all the boys in my primary class excited to pay attention, answer questions, and participate
– Talking to Becky more about our relationship, the progress we’ve made this week by going on a date, and how good it feels
– Each of my children and their sweet personalities, funny sayings, and love for life
– Getting to talk to Dad tonight
Hasta Luego!