How do you feel today about keeping the law?
I honestly have a hard time answering this question because I’m not sure exactly what it’s referring to.
If it’s talking about the Law of Moses, I don’t live that law at this point, or not that I know of.
Maybe this could pertain to the Law of Chastity. I feel like my understanding of the Law of Chastity has increased quite a bit because of the program and what I’ve learned.
For me, the Law of Chastity is a way to protect my agency, just as the Word of Wisdom is too. Both these sins, sexual sin and chemical sin, have the potential of robbing someone of their freedom to choose. They both can be addictive by nature. They both are not about what NOT to do as much as what TO DO so you will best be protected for grave sins that are hard to repent of.
I’m grateful to have these recommendations in my life – theses “laws” to help me govern myself and help me recognize how important agency is in the entire plan of happiness.
I was reading about the man who is to be executed in a few days here in Utah; it seems his whole life, from even before he was actually born, was pointed down a certain path because of choices he made that caused him to lose his agency.
Things I’m Grateful For
- Getting to play with my kids today after work while Becky was at YW
- Keeping my cool as they got a bit “testy”
- Having a great day financially with CO
- Getting a question done
- Talking with Jason
- Getting our email marketing campaign launched with TH
Hasta luego!
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