First off, today was a great day with Becky and the kids.
We got up pretty early (thanks to Chloe and the 2 bandits), had a bit of breakfast, and then headed out to get our tire fixed. About an hour later, we had TWO tires fixed and decided to go from there to Grotto Trail Head. It was a really fun and short hike, pretty and easy for the kids too.
After that we went on to Payson Lakes to do a bit of “unsuccessful” fishing.
We came home at about 3:00 in time to eat a bit and then, off we went again to the Spanish Fork pool. Laura M. invited us to use a few of her punch passes before the summer ends. We had a great time there too. Caleb jumped off the diving board multiple times, we went down the slide a few times and even Chloe got in the water and liked it.
The pool was a bit of a challenge on my lustful tendencies but I’d say I managed for the most part. My biggest success was on the way out of the park. One of the life guards was walking ahead of us and I knew she had on something that wasn’t what I should be looking at. I said a quick prayer to myself, asking for help to fight the urge to watch her. I had the inclination to even take off my sunglasses, which was a help too.
I feel Heavenly Father helped me in that instant to resist the natural man.
One other small success today was a response I just sent to one of the guys I’m sponsoring. He’s been doing really well with emails to me and is working on Step 3 – probably my favorite step about submitting your will to God.
I’m not sure where the response I sent came from but here it is:
[Learning how to submit your will to God and trust in Him] won’t happen overnight. I’m going to read Alma 32 and encourage you to as well, thinking about this very topic of being able to DO THE WILL OF GOD every day, every moment.
All I can think about right now is that we have to “plant the seed” and do everything we can to help it grow in our hearts.
I’m getting ready to teach a lesson tomorrow about Peer Pressure and the quote that keeps coming to my head is “Put off what you want NOW for what you want MOST.”
I feel the only way I can put off what I want now is to openly submit my will to God. Otherwise I’m just like every other natural man – an enemy to God.
Anyway, I know you can do this…I have hope that I can do this too. I’m happy that you recognize what you need to do.
Take care!
The question I have to keep in my mind all the time is “How bad to I want to overcome this addiction?” I know the answer – more than anything. But asking myself the question frequently is a good reminder.
The better question could be, “How bad do I want God to help me along this path of life?”
Do I trust that He will really guide me to what’s best for me?
Do I want to go down that path?
Will that path bring me the most happiness in this life and in the life to come?
I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s so simple, yet so complex.
I look forward to a new day where I can do my best to put my trust in God.
My Lesson for Tomorrow
Peer Pressure! What is it? – the influence that we have on one another (negative or positive)
What are examples of positive and negative peer pressure?
The Story of Rehoboam
- Rehoboam was the son of King Solomon – What did King Solomon end up doing, even though he had lots of accomplishments? He used his riches and wisdom for his own glory. He ended up worshiping idols
- Rehoboam became King
- He didn’t know what to do as the new king so he went to people for advice
- READ 1 Kings 12:”And king Rehoboam consulted with the aold men, that stood before Solomon his father while he yet lived, and said, How do ye advise that I may answer this people?” “If thou wilt be a aservant unto this people this day, and wilt serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be thy servants for ever.”
- “But he forsook the counsel of the aold men, which they had given him, and consulted with the young men that were grown up with him, and which stood before him…”
- The older people told him to serve the people and they would follow him
- The younger people said to be even stronger on the people than his father was
- What happened?
- 1 Kings 12:13-14; 1 Kings 12:19-21
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