Well, part of my issue today may be that I stayed up pretty late last night working on a review of Step 7.
I did diffuse some of those issues this morning by mopping the entire kitchen, dining room and bathroom floor while Becky took Caleb to a kindergarten assessment.
The idea that service really helps you get over yourself is so true; I felt that 100% this morning.
I created a detailed To-Do List today too. Here it is:
- Journal Writing (in progress right now)
- WM July Payouts
- Schedule additional students with Beau and team
- Review Openings Report for all coaches
- DL Podcast re-publishing
- Contact Barb about 2nds shoes
- Put together 2nds order:
- Facebook order
- George order
- Barb order
- My order
- Contact Mike at AD
- Finish AD work (August, July, June)
- Finalize Auth.net affiliate account
- Finalize Invoice Pluging for AD
- Finalize EHR content
- Email or call John A
- Finalize thank you’s for HS
- Follow up with Directors about checks
- Brideget
- Follow up with DA – website and contract
- Create bid for Brigham City deals
- Finalize Holly P contract
So, that feels good. I’ll be working on all those things today.
I did get a few emails from Dave G. that really caused some resentment, mainly because I feel he isn’t trying to understand where the coach and student are coming from. Our perception is that it’s all about the money and that coaches and students need to DEAL.
How did I get the ball rolling?
- Well, I guess the fact that I care about my coaches, their attitudes, and how they take care of the clients, is one “problem”.
- The fact that I’m getting the first level complaints directly from the coaches and students is another issue I need to learn to deal with I guess.
- The fact that I get emotional about this and maybe think that “my way” is better than the way Dave and others are doing things could be an issue.
- Maybe there are still ill feelings from the time that the whole thing got rolled out without even running it by the DLs, a “shove down our throat” approach could still be bothering me.
- Maybe it’s that I can’t stand “kiss A#% people” that are all about “pleasing the boss” at the cost of everything and everyone else
- I feel bad that the students seem to be getting “manipulated” in to buying something they don’t really NEED, especially the corp. credit stuff. The LLC is fine; the tax prep is probably “ok”; but the corp credit is SHADY at best and not something our students can or will really ever use, especially during the time they are working with us.
Things I’m Grateful For
- I’m grateful for my job.
- I like what I do, especially for my coaches and the students we work with.
- I like how I get to work on my own business stuff while at work.
- I like how we do really help clients that are ready to be helped.
- I’m grateful I get paid what I do for the work I do.
- I like setting goals and over-achieving.
I hope I can work through this or find something comparable.
Hasta luego!
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