I’m grateful for today!
Not only do I feel like I made good progress in the office, but I also feel like being home is a great decision.
I was able to be there for Caleb today when he got sick and threw up multiple times.
I was able to change Chloe’s diaper like 4 times today and had a fun time making faces at her and tickling her – it’s so cool to hear her laugh and start to talk.
I was able to help Becky get the walls patched and sanded and painted.
I was able to also get lots of work done:
- Created a new CO survey for sizing
- Emailed the entire CO database (about 3,500 people) to get feedback
- Shipped HS stuff
- Deposited HS cash and checks
- Talked to MS for quite some time about work that can be done with them
- Got lots of great feedback and confidence from MS (he knows I’ll be successful doing what I’m doing)
- Got 1 of 2 white boards up in the office
- Began mapping out seo and smo ideas (at least am thinking about this 🙂 )
- Got the rental contract re-signed
- Talked with Brett quite a bit and have a meeting on Thursday with new business lead
I am excited about the future and plan to do all I can every day to make the best of my day.
Unfortunately I didn’t stick to my routine today of studying in the morning, although I DID read an article from the Friend to the kids in the morning during breakfast.
I read Elder Holland’s recent conferenc talk tonight titled, “Because of Your Faith“. It was really interesting how it seemed to be a talked centered on how grateful he was for the members of the Church, for what they do, for the sacrifices they make, for the examples they are of disciples of Jesus Christ.
It makes me think of how grateful I need to be, both openly and subtly, to my mom for all she has done and continues to do for me.
- She’s put up with so much flack over the years.
- She and Carol spoiled Doug and I ROTTEN in college.
- She did so many fun things for me on my mission: sending cookies, making copies of pictures, and many other things I probably don’t even know about.
- She has generally been extremely patient with me when I’ve been stubborn and not willing to take her advice, which I now know is and was only to HELP me have a better life.
- She is always confident in my abilities and choices.
- She loves my family.
- She has been an amazing example of “losing herself in the service of others” – namely my Grandma who is 92.
- She does all the little things that are far too often unappreciated by Dad and me.
- She is always thinking of others and never thinking of herself.
I need to make sure she knows how grateful I am for all she does. I think this is a great place to start my “making amends” plan of attack.
I’m excited to talk with Jason tomorrow.
Hasta manana!
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