It all happened starting on June 20th, 2012. Becky was bleeding a little bit at around noon so we took her into the hospital in Orem to get checked.They found that she was dilated to a 2 so they had her hook up to all the monitors and watched the progress for an hour or so.
When they came back, she had dilated to about a 2.5 so some progress was being made; they had her stay for another hour to see if more progress was being made. After about 3 hours more, though, nothing more had changed (except the contractions were pretty consistent at about 5 or 6 minutes a part).
The nurse and doctor told her to watch things: if more bleeding occurred or the contractions got worse, she was to come right back in.
Yes, the contractions were still pretty consistent, but not much changed on June 20th. However, that night after a softball game of mine and a YW activity, things started getting more and more painful for her.
At about 2:00 a.m. she decided to get in the shower and see if that helped. Nope, didn’t help much. She was in a lot of pain when the contractions came and finally said, “I can’t do this anymore…” after also threatening to hit me or Dad (who was here to watch my softball game) over the head with a chair so we knew how this all felt. I had to laugh quietly to myself for fear she might really hit me over the head 🙂
So, I took her to Orem at about 2:30 a.m. Dad agreed to stay with the kids even though he was to play in a golf scramble the next day back in Idaho. (it was a sacrifice he was willing to make luckily… :))
When we got to the hospital they followed the same practice as before: they hooked her up and did the regular tests. Luckily she had now dilated to a 4. However, the nurse said she’d have to show a bit more progress before they could officially check her in since she was about 2 1/2 weeks early.
The good news was, she did show progress!
We headed to what the nurses called the “best room in the hospital” – room 15. It had a great view and the sun was just coming up.
The anesthesiologist came in and we made sure he knew that 2 times before she had passed out because of the epidural. He was very nice, explained things and all went perfect this time.
After a long wait, our nurse said it was time to give her some pitosin to hopefully get the baby moving a long a bit more – not much progress was being made at this point and it was about 10:00 a.m.
Once the pitosin was given, things did start moving more and the contractions increased in both frequency and strength (luckily she was not feeling them much at this point and was in a much better mood).
At 10:40 a.m., the doctor came in, and similar to with our 2nd, said, “Don’t move, don’t cough, don’t push, the baby is here!”
She made one push and, “Viola”, out popped the baby with no problem at about 10:46 a.m.
He had light browish blond hair, blue eyes, and weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long – our smallest one yet (but he was 2 weeks early).
We initially thought we’d call him Jacob Norbert; however, after a day with that name, neither one of us felt it was working very well. In fact, I texted Beck while I was on my way to a meeting and said Jacob didn’t seem to be working – what about Jayden? We talked about that the other day and she said, coincidentally, she had been thinking the EXACT SAME THING and when she got my text, she was really shocked and knew that should be his name.
So, that was it – Jayden Norbert was born on June 21, 2012!
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