After over 24 hours on the road in two days, we’re here.
Today we went to Church and had a really good experience: we blessed baby June and then heard some really good testimonies, one by a little seven year old who is sad she’s leaving to live in Utah.
She was in tears, she shared how she really wants to invite people to church; she told about how she’s excited to get baptized.
Then a convert lady of 5 months got up and invited her to come back up to the pulpit. The convert stated that this was her first time bearing her testimony. Instead of talking with us, she talked face to face with the little girl and told her about how her example (or at least one like it) is why this lady had ultimately joined the church.
The lady had seen a next door neighbor family and was always so impressed with what they had, although she wasn’t sure what it was. She had turned down the missionaries quite a few times but one day decided to go to them and ask for a Book of Mormon, all because of the example of her neighbor.
It was a really touching meeting and the Spirit was strong.
Today has been a tough day on my patience, especially with Caleb. I went over to see what they were doing at Norb and Meg’s unit and the two of them (Caleb and Madi) were yelling at the top of their lungs at each other.
Not only was it embarrassing, but I could tell that Megan was not happy about how they were acting.
I took the three of them to our unit and they’ve been in time out since. The thing that’s the hardest is Caleb continues to have a crappy attitude, talk smart-mouth to me, and not really take any responsibility for his own actions.
I need to pray for patience and understanding and not overreact to his 9-year-old ways
I’ll be thinking about how I can do this better: I want to make this a fun and exciting week.
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