It’s late but I wanted to write a bit before I go to bed.
Becky and I had such a great talk tonight about some of the things we’ve learned this year. It’s been an ugly and amazing year all wrapped up in one.
I’ve learned a few things:
1. I have to submit my will to God every day.
2. I have to live one day at a time.
3. I can never take for granted my relationship with Becky or my kids.
4. I want to ask myself every day: how did I connect with God today?
5. It’s so important to recognize my feelings, where they are coming from, and why I’m feeling the way I do, then turn them over to God and let him direct me.
These are just a few things.
I’m grateful that Becky and I can talk. I’m grateful for the love I feel for her. I’m grateful to be living in recovery today.
I’m grateful that scouts went well tonight.
I’m grateful to feel closer to the spirit than I’ve felt in a long time.
I’m grateful for how sweet caleb was with Jayden today and how sweet he is all the time with him.
I’m grateful for my little girls.
I’m grateful the basement is coming together nicely.
I’m grateful for the new business that is coming from these projects too.
I’m grateful to have talked with Shawn tonight about the project status.
I’m grateful to be here today and look forward to a new day in recovery tomorrow.
Hasta mañana.
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