Wow, so much has happened in the last few days. On Wednesday afternoon at about 3:00 Becky told me she thought she was in labor. She’d been contracting quite a bit and was bleeding a little. She also thought she’d passed the mucus plug (ewe).
So, we did what we’ve done for a couple of our other kids – we went to the hospital just to get checked, expecting that she’d be in labor for the next few days and then come back today at 6:30 a.m. (our scheduled induction day and time) to have the baby.
Instead, the doctors and nurses were a bit worried: every time Beck had contractions the baby’s heart beat declined a bit. As I write this I realized that the same thing had happened with Caleb when he was on his way here.
The doctor and nurses were nervous and recommended we get the baby out. However, we were planning on going to Madi’s dance recitals at 5:00 and 7:30 this same night. The doctor, not Dr. Young who wasn’t available, said we could go to the recital and then we’d need to come back at 9:00 and get the baby moving forward.
We went to the recital after getting tests finalized and unfortunately missed her routine in the first act by about 2 routines. We did stay for the 2nd recital though and it was awesome. She did so great and we were so proud.
We then came back and got things started. They gave Beck pitocin and got things sped up a bit. However, again, the pitocin, which speeds the labor up, caused contractions to come more and the heart rate to decrease again. They slowed that down again and then gave her an epideral. Things were ok, although she fainted again because the anesthesiologist didn’t really listen to what had happened to us in the past.
Mandy showed up at about 10:00 p.m. – we’d told her she could come – and was here to watch the whole thing and take pictures.
We put a bet on what time he’d come. I guessed 4:22 a.m., Mandy guessed 5:15 a.m. and Becky guessed 6:00 a.m.
At about 3:30, things really started picking up.
The baby came at 4:13 a.m.!
We named him Tyson David Moller. He is 6 lbs 15.8 oz. and 19 inches long. He has lots of brown hair too.
One thing I was thinking about in regard to his name is that he is the son that has helped “Ty” Becky and I back together again.
I’m so grateful to have him in our life.
I’m so grateful Becky and I feel closer than we’ve ever felt before.
I’m so grateful to be living in recovery today.
I can’t believe that today is 343 in recovery. I’ve got such a better understanding today of what living one day at a time really means. It means being AWARE today of where I am, what I feel, and what I need in order to submit my will to God and do what He wants me to do. It means I can’t think about yesterday or ahead to tomorrow or a week from now; I can only live today and do my best to be worthy of the Spirit to guide and protect me.
I’m grateful for this understanding today.
I’m grateful for the difference it’s making in my life and in the life of my family.
I’m grateful for the difference it will make in the life of little Tyson.
I’m grateful to be a dad and have the opportunity to raise sons and daughters in gospel.
I’m hopeful that my example today will help my kids want to live the same truth that I know to be true.
I love Becky so much and am so grateful to be married to her.
I look forward to tonight and our chance to connect emotionally through AEIOU’s and reading together.
I am grateful I went with Mom and Dad and the kids today to go bowling and have fun. There was no contention and we all had so much fun.
I’m also grateful we got so much done at home in preparation to bring Becky and the baby home tomorrow.
I hope Beck loves how it all looks.
This will be it for now.
I look forward to getting back into a routine by tomorrow.
Hasta manana!
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