Last night we had a great family home evening by Becky that was based on what she had learned in her Relief Society class on Sunday. The topic was “The Last Week of Christ’s Life.”
It was interesting to talk about the things he did and how that would relate to what I would want to do if I knew that this week was my last week on earth.
Some of the things Christ did in his last week:
- Healed his friend Lazarus from the dead
- Cleansed the temple of the vendors
- Condemned the fig tree for not producing fruit
- Anointing at Bethany
- Triumphal entry
- Healing and teaching at the Temple
- The Last Super
- The Garden of Gethsemane
- The Betrayal, His trial, and abuse
- The Crucifixion
- The Resurrection
We talked about a few of these things and will be going over them each day via the Bible Videos from
As Becky ask each of us what we would do if we knew it was our last week, it caused me to reflect. I think I would do the following:
- Make sure I was with my family all the time
- Avoid ALL contention
- Pray often
- Read/Study the scriptures
- Go to the temple with Becky
- Write out my thoughts and feelings to each person in my family – telling them how much I love them, why I love them, and giving them experiences from my life that will hopefully help them stay on the straight and narrow path
- Visiting family and friends to thank them for all they’ve done for me
- Contacting my mission families and encouraging them to choose the right and remember the covenants they’ve made
It’s a tough question and a scary one.
I’m grateful that today, I’m trying to live as close to Heavenly Father as I can.
I love Becky so much. I love each of the kids so much. I’ve made terrible mistakes that have hurt each of them. I’m so grateful for the Atonement and the opportunity it gives me to repent of my sins, repair what I’ve broken, and recommit to living a life more focused on Jesus Christ and His Gospel.
Life is really difficult.
But Heavenly Father’s Plan of Happiness makes the path back to Heaven a lot more clear.
As I read about the things that happened in Christ’s last week on earth, some of the experiences remind me of where I’ve been. The cursing of the fig tree, for example, was about how the people of Israel were not living up to the potential that Christ had for them.
In the past, I feel this was me: I was going through the motions, alive, but not producing anything of value.
Today, I’m grateful things feel different.
When I looked up the scripture reference, I found this scripture too:
24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye apray, bbelieve that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
I feel this really pertains to submitting my will to God, asking for His help in the moment of temptation, and trusting in Him to help me overcome my addictions and weaknesses.
Overcome may not be the best word – maybe deal with or lighten my load.
I also liked these verses:
25 And when ye stand apraying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may bforgive you your trespasses.
26 But if ye do not aforgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.
This is about making amends, something I try to practice every day as part of Step 10 and 11.
I’m grateful for the time I’ve taken today to study in the morning. At times it is hard because I have so much to do, but it is always worth it.
Hasta luego!
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