Today’s going to be crazy.
I have two discovery calls today, a check-in meeting for content with a client, and then two big meetings at the U, one with the main guy I report to and one with the entire team to discuss roles and expectations.
I’m most nervous about that meeting and want to be as prepared as I can be.
I feel good about the meeting with the main guy: it’s going to be me presenting the information I found out about user experience. The case I’m taking to the table is that the current site is way too outdated and we need to update sooner than later.
I have been struggling with feelings of being honest with this client as well.
Is there more I could be doing? Yes.
Have I been doing enough? No, I don’t think so.
Do I have a plan in place to do more? Sort of but not really.
I started using UC to do some of the SEO work but found out pretty quickly that the site is so broken that some of these tools won’t even work. For example, I can’t really do on-site SEO if I don’t know how to make changes quickly and easily. (I did finally get documentation from one of the people at the main location that I’ve yet to review).
I really need to find a good solution to make this all come together and to ensure that I’m being “honest in my dealings with my fellow man.”
I had a good opportunity last night to listen to a talk that Becky had shared with me. If I were to summarize it, I’d say the overall topic was about being Honest, Simple, Solid and True.
These are the notes I took:
Am I in it for me or because I love it?
Who am I really?
It takes a lifetime to achieve simplicity.
Being true to me vs being true
Brother of prodigal son was resentful
Do I care about my own agenda more than helping others?
How can I become honest, simple, solid and true?
Christ suffered with no retaliation
Christ had no vindictiveness
Christ was perfectly honest and consistent
Respond to others in love according to their needs
Do I seek to save my life instead of lose it in service to others?
What was Lucifers scheme? It was about his own glory. He didn’t want to take responsibility for his sin.
He had an inner conflict.
Then he diminished and manipulated others.
Strife among us divides us.
Strife addicts us to resent and revenge.
This is the chains of hell, the bands of death.
Christ hung on the cross, not for himself, but for all of us.
I see myself reflected in Caleb.
I need to love him more.
16:00 – making amends
How could he rectify a wrong he couldn’t identify?
“Because I loved you less…”
Love changes everything.
Simple humility softens pride.
19:30 – love vs anger
Why is he always distant?
Lack of love?
“Come unto me…”
Do I want to do things my own way?
Can I let go of the past?
What does it mean to come unto Him?
How can I show Him I love Him and know Him?
Stop finding fault in Caleb and in all my kids!
Come unto me!
Sacrifice all offense
Give up criticism, impatient and contempt
Give up practices of violence
Proclaim peace
Look as challenges as opportunities to choose good over evil
Embrace the child who seems to resist
Satan doesn’t need to overpower us to win the war. He just needs us to adopt his ways.
We choose either his ways or Gods in every moment.
We live in a season of war.
People respond more energetically when they put one another ahead of self.
Purify our hearts in Christ.
This talk made me think a lot about why I do what I do.
It also made me think about how I can simplify my life.
One of those ways is to have all the systems in place so I don’t have to stress so much when I bring a new client on board. Granted, I know not every client is exactly the same, but I want to be able to bring people in and then have processes in place to execute a plan.
Some of the people I may reach out to for suggestions:
- Mat S.
- Chris B.
- Russ P.
- Jon
- The Bootcamp Forum
I feel better about today already.
I feel like all I can do is keep making progress, learn from my mistakes, and be as open and honest about where I am today as I can be.
To finish up today, I looked for an article at and found a good one titled “How to Answer the Toughest “Why’s” of Life.”
I liked this quote:
In general conference, Elder Larry R. Lawrence shared examples of how simple impressions not to yell, not to complain, and even the thought to clean your room can all be examples of feeling the Spirit. It’s anything that comes to our minds and our hearts and “challenges us to be better and to climb higher.”
Our kids, even the really small ones, feel the Spirit more often than they might recognize. It’s up to us adults to really listen to them and be in tune enough to help them pinpoint spiritual promptings as they occur.
I really agree with that. Although this is talking about teaching our kids, I feel I can do better to recognize the promptings of the Spirit more in my life too.
How many times am I prompted every day to do something that I hadn’t thought of?
How many times is the Spirit trying to talk to me and I don’t listen?
This is great insight too:
President Henry B. Eyring taught that “only through the Holy Ghost can we see … events as God sees them.” As I share my spiritual experiences, as we read examples in the scriptures, and as we watch inspiring Church media dealing with other difficult “whys” of life, I’m teaching my kids to focus on what they feel. As they do, the true teacher, the Holy Ghost, helps them to see things as they really are.
I really think this is an answer to “how can I truly become more like Heavenly Father?”:
President Eyring taught that while it’s important to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost to be a teacher, guide, and comforter, the real power lies in what the Holy Ghost can help us become.
As we act on spiritual promptings, the Spirit will send us more impressions of what God would have us do, and as we do them, we become more like Him.
I’m grateful for the time I made today to study.
I feel I’ve been inspired by the Spirit in the following ways:
- I looked at before finishing my study and found some good answers
- I reached out to one of my meetings this morning to reschedule until Friday
- I wrote out people I’d like to reach out to for help with fulfillment needs
- I woke up earlier than usual to write and think and plan
- I’m excited, not so nervous, about the day – that’s the “comforter” working in me I feel
I look forward to a great and productive day.
Hasta luego!
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