Becky and I went to see Adam Moore today at BYU. He’s one of the most famous psychologists on sexual addiction recovery and healing in the area.
It was a great meeting. I was nervous, I was apprehensive, and I was experiencing a bit of self-doubt.
Things like “Am I really in recovery?” “Are there things I’m hiding about my recovery?” “What if I have to talk about the big mistakes again?” have crossed my mind and did a little bit there.
But I want to do whatever I can to both stay in real recovery and also help Becky feel safe with where we are today.
So I felt peace overall.
He shared some great things, one being a new way of doing check-in’s. It included the following things:
- Physically
- Emotionally
- Spiritually (Connection)
- Sexually
- Triggers
- Slips
- Self-Care
- Providing Safety
- Reaching Out
- Commitment
He also shared about the addictive cycle: Pain/Shame > Preoccupation > Ritual > Acting Out
After that cycle happens once, then it becomes even worse the 2nd, 3rd, 100th round of the cycle.
I was really grateful to be there with Becky. It was the first real time we’ve been in a session like that together with someone who really knows what they’re talking about.
In two weeks, he’ll meet with Becky, then a week later with me, then with the two of us again.
He also recommended reading the Peacegiver, which I’ll probably order today.
I’m off to a meeting now. Just wanted to share a bit of what I’d learned today.
Hasta luego!
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