Last night was a rough night: Becky talked to me about some of her feelings lately due to a decision I made to talk to her about how things had been a bit tougher before with lustful thoughts. Although I’m glad she was honest with me about how she feels, it was a little hard […]
Archives for October 8, 2010
Helaman 10:4-5
Ésta mañana estaba leyendo en el libro de Helamán, y estaba pensando en el ser humilde y seguir la voluntad de Dios; después, encontré ésta escritura. “Bienaventurado eres tú, Nefi…porque he visto que…no…te has afanado por tu propia vida [no has sido orgulloso] antes bien, has procurado mi voluntad y el cumplimiento de mis [revelaciones […]
New Goal – Step 8 Reaching Out to Others
I’d typed up some content already and then lost it… My new goal is to not only send Jason an email on a consistent basis, but to include at least one answer to a question from the manual and additional study too. I plan to do this 24 times in October, starting today. This means […]
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