Today was a good day.
I’m feeling the affects of staying up way late last night: helping clean up puke from the girls and working on the AD project.
It’s late tonight too so I hope to have a direct and effective study.
Think about people who have shown kindness and love to you. How have their actions inspired or motivated you to act differently?
One of the people that comes to mind right now is Dane at work. I just feel a lot different towards him lately. Some of it may be because of a simple “Can Do” Award he gave me – just the small recognition of a job well-done; some of it may be because of the off-site and getting to know him in a bit of a different light. Some of it may be because I’m really trying to see things from his perspective and I feel bad for the situation he gets put in at times. I don’t always agree with the way he chooses to handle things, but I’m not sure how I would handle things if I were thrown in the same situation.
I also think about Becky. She has been so patient, so forgiving, so kind to me during all this recovery. She seems to trust that I’m going to do the right thing – which to me makes all the difference. I’m grateful to her. I know it’s hard to deal with something like this, especially when it can be taken as such a personal thing. But I’m glad she’s my best friend and we can talk about things.
I really do feel the effects of the Atonement in my life. I’ve worked specifically the last few days to avoid lustful thoughts, to keep my chin up, and to say little prayers when I catch myself in temptation’s path. Lust is a tricky thing: Satan throws darts from all sides; but I feel things have been better, especially with Facebook tendencies that I know are red-flags which are indicators of the will I’m choosing to follow – my own!
I feel bad that I’ve missed speaking with Raul the last couple days. He’s called right when I’ve been in meetings or in the middle of something I couldn’t get out of – then I remember to call back when it’s too late. I plan to call him tomorrow to chat about his progress of recovery. I’d like to create a more consistent plan of attack on how we can communicate effectively. Something like:
- Email once a day with answer to question and study of the step of recovery he’s currently working on
- Speak on the phone once a week
- Text as needed anytime
Things have been really nice with Mom Schmidt here. She’s been awesome and we’ve all had a lot of fun.
Hasta manana!
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