Today was quite an amazing day; I’m not sure why so I’m going to write it out.
I woke up at 6:30, said a personal prayer, and worked on my step work (3 letters to people I’m making amends to), then submitted it to my sponsor.
After the step work I looked over the list of all the deals I’m working on and the next steps for each of those deals.
I thought about the priorities and which ones I really need to get done today. Then I went to work on the first one, the first step.
I didn’t get every item done in the steps I was focusing on, but I realized the time I had before my meeting at 1:00 with a client, and I utilized my time as effectively as I could to get things done.
At noon I had a conference call with a new client.
Then at 1:00 I met with a client who’s site has been pending for quite some time. We made great progress and I feel the site could be live as early as this FRIDAY! Hooray!
I got good feedback from him too and felt really good about that.
After that meeting, I worked immediately on some of his to-do’s (which I shared with him in a Google Doc). He could then see what I was doing and I was able to see what he was doing too.
By that time, the day was about over. I went down, played a little Wi with Chloe and Caleb, and then picked up Madi from dance before dinner.
Tonight we had a great dinner prepared by the love of my life, my best friend. Then we had a really important family home evening about our bodies and why they are sacred (suggestion from related to teaching our kids about pornography and sex addiction).
We got the kids down after making some cookie dough and then I did a bit more work on my project from the meeting at 1:00.
I had a call with my sponsor at 4:45 as well, which went really great. I’m so grateful for his time and support.
Now we’re about ready to go to bed.
I feel happy to be in recovery today.
I feel grateful to have accomplished so much today.
I feel lucky to be with my wife and family today.
I’m grateful for the power of submitting my will to God today, putting first things first, and working on things one step at a time.
Hasta manana!
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