What should I study about today? This is the question that came to mind as I was praying. As I thought about different things to study, one thing came to mind: the First Presidency Message. So, I’m headed to LDS.org now to check it out. It’s titled, “Learn of Me.”
When I think of that phrase, what comes to mind?
What Does Learn of Me Mean to me?
- Come follow me, the Savior said
- Learn from His example
- Learn about Jesus Christ
- Learn from His teachings
- Learn to be like He is
- Read His words in ancient and modern scripture
- Learn and Do His will
Who was a good example in the scriptures of learning of Jesus Christ?
- Alma the Younger and the Sons of Mosiah, after they had been called to repentance, fasted and prayed often and studied the word of God
- Nephi prayed to know what his father had seen in his vision and was taught
- Moses learned many things and followed the direction of God
- Jonah was forced to learn, he was compelled to be humble
- The 12 apostles were always learning of Him
- Joseph Smith learned about God and the Savior
- Mormon definitely learned about Christ as he compiled all the ancient records into the Book of Mormon
Those are some thoughts that come to mind.
How can I “Learn of Him?” best in my life?
- Consistent communication through prayer, not just morning and evening prayer, but throughout the day
- Filling my soul with light via scripture study and reading uplifting material
- Studying and educating myself with recovery materials
- Working the 12 Steps of Recovery
- Writing in my journal consistently
- Seeking through prayer and meditation to know the Lord’s will for me and to have the power to carry that out (pretty sure that’s in my patriarchal blessing)
Now that I’ve written a little bit about what I think the article will say, time to actually read it.
“Learn of me … and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”1
I like this scripture: as I learn of Him and strive to become more like Him, I will find rest unto my soul. What does that mean?
When I looked at the cross-references for “rest” I found these: Mosiah 2:41; Alma 37:34 (33–34); D&C 54:10; 59:23. TG Comfort.
The first scripture, Mosiah 2:41, doesn’t mention the word “rest” but it does talk about the “blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God.” It also talks about “dwell[ing] with God in a state of never-ending happiness.”
41 And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.
What’s interesting to me about that scripture is really, that’s what we are all looking for in this life: blessings, a happy state, temporal blessings, spiritual blessings, never-ending happiness.
What’s also interesting is that the world is so deceived about how to achieve this “happiness.”
If I were to list the ways I perceive the world to measure happiness, it would probably be something like this:
- Money
- Popularity
- Wealth
- Recognition
- Fame
- Respect
- Notoriety
- Sex
- Power
- Authority
- Freedom
Advertisements go after these feelings. Movies portray the “successful” people to have these things.
But are these things really true happiness? I don’t think they are.
Money can be good or evil – depending on where our heart is.
Popularity is definitely overrated: Christ wasn’t all that popular; doing what’s right isn’t always that popular either.
Wealth, like money, can definitely help, but if it’s the focus of my life, it becomes an idle I’m worshipping.
Recognition seems to be synonymous with Pride and Power – both key ingredients of Satan and his followers. Fame, respect, notoriety, power, authority: those are all right there too. I’ll bet Satan was all about popularity and power in the war in Heaven. I’ll bet he used cunning and popularity and pride to confuse and lull away his followers. I know that’s what he uses today, “lulling us away into carnal security, thinking all is well, and leading us away carefully down to hell.”
I like this quote from the lesson:
In the Church, the goal of gospel teaching is not to pour information into the minds of God’s children, whether at home, in the classroom, or in the mission field. It is not to show how much the parent, teacher, or missionary knows. Nor is it merely to increase knowledge about the Savior and His Church.
The basic goal of teaching is to help the sons and daughters of Heavenly Father return to His presence and enjoy eternal life with Him. To do this, gospel teaching must encourage them along the path of daily discipleship and sacred covenants. The aim is to inspire individuals to think about, feel about, and then do something about living gospel principles. The objective is to develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and to become converted to His gospel.
What I get from that is the goal isn’t to be prideful and show how much we know about Christ in comparison to others. It’s not about showing off our power, authority, knowledge, or whatever.
Instead, it’s about helping one another get back to Heavenly Father and His Son. To do this, we have to encourage one another to work one day at a time on keeping covenants, finding light, and connecting with Them each day. Learning of them, learning about them, and most importantly to me, learning to connect with Them.
“The aim is to inspire individuals to think about, feel about, and then do something about living gospel principles.”
Become converted.
Just as Jesus “received grace for grace,” we must patiently and persistently seek light and knowledge from God in our efforts to learn the gospel.
As we live worthily, we can better hear the whisperings of the Holy Ghost, which can “teach [us] all things, and bring all things to [our] remembrance.”14
I’m grateful for this study today.
I feel connected to God and want to do His will. I want to live worthy of His light and His direction in my life.
I look forward to a day in recovery.
Hasta luego.
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