In an add-on to my study earlier today, I want to look more at the "Beware of Pride " talk by President Ezra Taft Benson. …the Book of Mormon is the “record of a fallen people.” (D&C 20:9 .) Why did they fall?…Mormon gives the answer in the closing chapters of the book in these […]
Archives for October 2008
More About Humility
I liked reading about Humility yesterday and want to do more research on the subject. President Ezra Taft Benson wrote one of the best talks on the subject of Humility and Pride. It’s called "Beware of Pride". Side note, just now the song "In the Hollow of Thy Hand" came on the radio (Sounds of […]
Seeking Humility
This is a topic that came up in my meeting this last Wednesday – Humility! Humble is defined as 1) not proud or arrogant; modest; 2) having a feeling of insignificance, inferiority, subservience, etc. 3) low in rank, importance, status, quality, etc. 4) courteously respectful 5) Marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or […]
Getting Adequate Rest
Since it’s really late, my post today will be brief but fitting. It’s about going to bed early and getting enough rest. In D&C 88: 124 it states: Cease to be a idle ; cease to be b unclean ; cease to c find fault one with another; cease to d sleep longer than is […]
The Power of Organization
My wife and I have talked a lot lately about organization, mostly because she’s really good at it and me, not so much. I’ve decided to study about that today since I feel it will not only benefit me in my spiritual progression, but it will also help drastically in my day-to-day doings at work […] Blog
Well, I’ve done it – started my daily spiritual journal blog. I’ve talked about this for some time and, since I’m online all day every day, I’ve felt this was the best way to make each day a great one by starting it off focused on Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. I also […]
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