I’ve had this question before in my study of the Book of Mormon:
Why do they talk so much about war?
I’d say it’s a valid question, one that many people have probably thought about.
The “War Chapters” in the Book of Mormon are found in Alma 45 – 63. Chapters 45–63 describe Nephite wars of that time period and migrations under Hagoth. Such great leaders as Captain Moroni, Teancum, and Lehi helped to preserve the Nephites through their courageous and timely actions.
I went to my addiction recovery meeting last night and shared how I felt the war chapters were all about the war we’re all going through against Satan: he comes at us with so many different “fiery darts”. I talked about how I look at Captain Moroni as the master facilitator who was always fortifying the weak areas and preparing (or being aware and watchful) for war – to protect his wife and children, their beliefs, and their freedom.
Those very things are what Satan is attacking too: families, freedom, beliefs and agency
I’m going to start reading this section of the scriptures in the next few days and highlight areas where it talks about the following concepts related to recovery:
- Deliverance
- Gratitude
- Submissive/Surrender: Prayer, Study of Word of God, Fasting
- Fortify, Prepare
- Awareness, Watchfulness
I know that these are keys to recovery for me against the army of Satan. It’s like a match equation:
DELIVERANCE = Prepare/Fortify(Being Aware and Watchful Continually + Being Grateful for Everything I Have + Submitting My Will to Him through Prayer & Study of the Word of God & Fasting)
If any of these parts of the equation are missing, I will have no DELIVERANCE or RECOVERY.
I just finished reading Alma 45 and 46.
Captain Moroni was so committed to freedom:
In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children…
I know that as I submit my will to God and ask Him for help, I can have that same attitude.
These are some of the scriptures that stuck out to me in this study:
- Alma 45:1 – they fasted and prayed and were grateful
- Alma 45:21 – they needed the word of God declared unto them to remind them of their own nothingness before God – without Him they can do nothing
- Alma 46:13 – Moroni put on the “armor of God” and was prepared. He was watchful and prayerful continually, and he poured out his soul to God in prayer to receive strength and guidance
- Alma 46:31 – they had gathered together (like a recovery group) to fight the armies – they were armed with righteousness, and they had made covenants with God for peace
I’m grateful for these parts of the scriptures. I look forward to reviewing them over the newt few weeks. I’m hopeful to live my life in recovery, one day at a time.
I’m grateful to be meeting with Gordan as well.
Hasta manana!
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