I’ve been thinking a lot lately about sponsorship and how to help both myself and my sponsees continue working recovery after they’ve finished the steps for the first time, AND how to help those who aren’t in 90-Day ARP get started and on a schedule of recovery and working the steps. I had a good […]
Effective Sponsorship and Self-Assessment
Although I didn’t get up as early as I wanted to today, I am up and have been reviewing comments and replying to sponsees about their check-ins. To me, nightly check-in’s have to be a new normal and a lifetime event. If I want Becky to feel safe, if I want to be making progress […]
Avoiding Self-Pity Mode When I’m Physically Sick
I feel crappy – both yesterday and today. I have a head cold: stuffy nose, lots of snot, headache, etc. The thing that concerns me right now is that I don’t want to live in “self-pity.” I know, in the past, Becky has pointed out how she feels I’m in self-pity when I’m sick – […]
Why Do I Worry about the Recovery of Others?
I don’t want to think about and worry about the recovery of others in the LDS group, what they’re doing “wrong.” But after reading this quote in the Step One of Step Into Action, I can’t help it: I found that trying to work this Step without a sponsor was pointless and hopeless. I recognized […]
Feelings of Disrespect & How to Cope Better
I’m not very happy right now. A week or so ago, Becky and I set a boundary that the kids don’t go over to friends’ houses after dinner on school nights. We made that boundary because of the feeling we had in our home when they came home and were entitled, bratty, and disobedient. Tonight […]
3 Important Questions about Sponsorship and Addiction Recovery
I’m grateful for a new day. I’m feeling a bit stressed due to all the things I have going on today, but I’m going to do the best I can and try to prioritize based on what I feel God would want me to do today. As I’ve been working with sponsees, a few questions […]
What I’m Learning as a Sponsor
I’m learning a lot as a sponsor. As of today, I’ve sponsored Grant, Tyler, a guy I didn’t really even work with much, Spencer, and Sean. I’ve learned different things from each of these experiences. The first thing I’ve learned is that it’s not my job to “fix” them or recover for them. When I […]
How ArpSupport.org Has Helped Me Learn to Submit My Will to God
On November 15, 2014, I made a decision that has helped me sustain longer recovery from addiction than I can remember. This decision was to work with a sponsor from ArpSupport.org. At that time I did have a decent stretch of recovery – I call it recovery because I believe that sobriety, for me, is […]
My Willingness to Help Others in Addiction Recovery
Day 92 – Step Work Although you may not have thought it possible before, you can now imagine entering the doors of the holy temple, drinking deeply of the peace there, and feeling close to the Lord in His house. In the temple, you will find spiritual power to continue in your recovery. Elder Joseph […]
My Commitments to Recovery from Addiction
Day 91 – Step Work As you try to help others, you must understand that it will be difficult for them to remain in recovery if family members do not support them or do not understand that recovery takes time. Anyone can recover however, no matter how others—even closest loved ones—choose to react. Share your […]
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